40 Hours In a Car

I am back from Kentucky! I left on Wednesday at 3am with Kourtney, Rachel, Gerda, and Sarah pulling into Kentucky at about 12am their time (we didn't quite realize we were losing 2 hours.) (That was 20 hours in a car!) I drove about 5 of them through Kansas! This is what it looked like:

Miles and miles and miles of open road! (The picture above is Kansas.) 

We passed by the St. Louis Arch on the way there and on the way back we stayed in St. Louis with Amy's Mom at her aunts house. (Amy is a fellow Ellerslie student and Set Apart Girl Intern! She is wonderful.) 

The car ride itself was great! God gave us the grace to be in a car for that many hours. (It felt much longer on the way back- we left St. Louis at 9am and got into Ellerslie at 11:45pm) And He guarded us and kept us safe the entire way. "O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever!" Psalm 136:1

Sarah and Gerda filling up the car ready to get started on another leg of the Journey! And let me just say many an interesting thing happens when you are cramped in a car for hours on end! Ah the stories we have to tell. (Like how rest stop exits are extremely magnetic and before you know it you are pulling off one even though you had no intention of stopping. A minor detour.)

Tomorrow I will tell you about the conference which was amazing! At the moment thoughts are still formulating. 

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