Adventures in the Art of Drinking Coffee

Last night while we were doing secret Ellerslie Graduate things Chelsea decided that she would like to try a cup of coffee. 

Madison: So what made you want to try coffee tonight?

Chelsea: It was just an impulsive decision it popped into my head and I just went with it.

M: Do you often make impulsive decisions?

C: what kind of a question is that? (Pause)… On occasion when the impulse strikes me. (Side note- the coffee is making me hyper even though it is decaf)

Kelsey: (third party) no that’s just us.

M. So you don’t attribute your sudden urge to try coffee to peer pressure?

C: No.

M. What did you think of it?

C: Which time.

M. Well let’s see first you tried it black

C: Yes, it was a bit weak.

M. Then you added half a carton of honey and some flavored creamer how did that make it taste?

C: You know sweet. 

Side Note: After her second try, we the coffee experts decided to make sure it was a proper cup of coffee, below is the evidence of our 'sweet experience.'

M. After the coffee experts fixed it what did you think?

C: It was okay, wasn’t horrible.

M: Would you drink it again?

C: Under desperate circumstances, if I was in Antarctica and needed to warm my frost bitten fingers.

M: Do you have anything else to say about the overall experience?

C: It was an experience, I have nothing to say….

M: What about your lovely interviewer? Anything to say about her?

~ She has no words…

C: She’s fantastic, a bit unethical (completely unfounded says the blogger), but I love her. 

M: Thank you for your interview it has been wonderful! (You have been the most wonderful interviewee that I have ever interviewed. And I must say, it has been simply delightful to have interviewed you tonight.) 

Disclaimer: Chelsea may or may not have said these things. There may also have been breaches in people gaining access to this bloggers computer. Just sayin’

Kelsey-So I thought I was holding my mug and I felt the bottom and panicked and thought where did the bottom go??!!!

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