Adventures in: VBS 2011 THE LORD'S ARMY

Tonight was the ending of our Vacation Bible School :( It's a bittersweet ending on the one hand tomorrow will be a day of rest (kind of) but on the other I will miss all of the kiddos in my class (23 tonight!!! the biggest class yet, and just so you know YES they were all hyped up on pizza and sugar. Fun stuff!) I saw the Lord's faithfulness in every moment, whether it be with supplies being shipped just in time, strained voices gaining strength, or just new found energy. He is good and what we have done is for His glory! And when He calls us, He also equips us. What a mighty God we serve!

Total throughout the five nights we had 109 children out of that there are about 50 separate families we got to share the gospel with (through their children) who were not associated with our church, PRAISE THE LORD!

In addition to teaching the 4 and 5 year olds, I also had the privilege to go through all the video and photos from the previous day and make videos for our opening ceremonies. I had so much fun doing it! I have already posted the first but wanted to share the others. Here are the videos for days 2, 3, and 4.) Day 5 is still in the making, but don't worry I will post soon.

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