The Changing of Seasons

I stepped out onto the porch not to the familiar balm of summer but to the crisp cool whisper of Autumn's wind quietly settling in. What a delightful thought, Fall is coming. Time once more for scarves and knitting, deep oranges and golden yellows, pumpkins and bouquets of sharpened pencils, apples and spicy scents, crisp air that reddens my checks and leaves that set the landscape ablaze. Fall will soon be here and I can hardly wait!

While Summer is waving it's last farwells and Fall is taking up root, I am reminded of what King Solomon said, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1. It is a truth that I feel more keenly this weekend as another Ellerslie class graduates reminding me that it was one year ago that I too was graduating from Ellerslie's basic training. Time seems to glide on by with barely a notice until it is long past. As we like to say at Ellerslie the days are long but the weeks are short. In five weeks the second Ellerslie Advanced class will be graduating and then the Fall semester will be underway and then they too will graduate and the seasons will change again. Such is life, my hope is that I see each one as a blessing (Romans 8:28) and that as I look back on seasons past I will look on with joy either at the sweet times that were had or the tribulations that were overcome.

"To everything there is a season..."

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