She Said Yes...

Tucked away between the sand dunes and the waves he knelt before her, taking her delicate hands in his he asked her, and with a brilliant smile she said, “YES!” ~

From the start Friday was no ordinary day, it was my birthday, I woke up to sweet birthday wishes from my love, and excited kiddos who could not wait to show me the breakfast they had made. There was swimming and more homemade meals (each one amazing), more phone calls from my love, and absolutely no cleaning (though I tried)! The day was wonderful and I knew it was only going to get better.

My parents had been on a much needed vacation all week in Cocoa Beach, and for my birthday Dustin and I were going to drive up there and go out to dinner and spend time with them, just the four of us.
At a little before six my wonderful friend and sister in Christ, Lindsay came to hang out with the kids. And at 6:15 my love came bearing twelve of the most beautiful lavender roses. (After he had picked them out the florist told him lavender roses mean love at first sight, making them all the more perfect.) Pictures were taken beneath the rainbow and goodbyes were said. Then we were off! We were excited! We couldn’t stop smiling! (And I had no idea what was about to happen.) The drive up was sweet.

We arrived at my parent’s hotel as the sun was setting beneath the horizon. Dustin turned to me and said that he wanted to pray for me and bless me before we went out to dinner, so instead of going to meet my parents right away he asked me to take a walk on the beach.

Shoes in hand I followed him. He led us to a quiet spot where familiar beach chairs were set up and Pachbell’s Canon in D was lightly playing. “You planned this.” I said. “Maybe,” his reply.

Together we sat down and he began to pray over me. Then there was a pause, and then these words; “And Lord please put it on Madison’s heart to say yes when I ask her to marry me.” In an instant my eyes opened. He stood up from the chair and with one knee in the sand, he took my hand and asked me to be his wife. My answer yes! The smiles we had before somehow grew bigger. And time for a moment stood still.

A while later my parents came up to see what had happened (though from the pictures they took they had a pretty good idea).

We went out to a quiet Italian restaurant where we celebrated birthdays and the wonderful thing God had built between the most wonderful man and me. And after it was over (with trips to Starbucks and Ron John’s in between) we had the most amazing drive home. All in all it was the best birthday ever.

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