Praising God in All Things

Then Job arose and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshiped. And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. ~ Job 1:20-22

The thought of Job kept running through my head yesterday as I laid on the bathroom floor, captive to a nasty stomach bug. I don't know of any one who enjoys getting a stomach virus, but I particularly don't like them. In fact up until yesterday it had been nine years since I had even thrown up! Through the midst of the icky feelings and general weakness I found myself turning to the Lord in prayer and in praise. I prayed for healing, for this to be over soon, and for help every time I thought I had reached my end, but my stomach said otherwise, and I praised God that he had given me a day of rest, a day of resting in him. Over and over I called him blessed.

I will confess I am not a good patient when sick, I usually moan a bit, complain a little, and relate whatever I am feeling to death. I do pray but always in a whinny Lord help me sort of way or why do I still have this. And so my illness yesterday and my subsequent response both took me by surprise. Never had I been sick like that alone, I had always been with family, but my husband was at work and I was by myself not so alone after all. The presence of God surrounded me, the Holy Spirit comforted me and drew my thoughts heavenward and his peace filled me. The panicky feeling that usually overtakes me when I am very sick was no where to be found. Instead I found myself glad that I had a day with just me and the Lord, granted I was not the best of conversationalists, still he heard me.

There came a point where I was thankful that he was breaking me of my fears. Having not thrown up for nine years created a very large fear in me of such things (apparently there is a phobia for this called emetophobia), but yesterday I found that not only could I survive such things that I was even ok. (Of course I would prefer to not have a repeat of yesterday for the rest of my life time or at least another nine years.) I had also happened to have a midwife appointment that day and so God also relieved me of the fear of throwing up in public places. When I related this information to my midwife she said God must be taking away some pride. "That's ok I said, because God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud." It is definitely a humbling experience to be lying on someone else's bathroom floor sick.

Yesterday was not the most pleasant of days for me, but I learned as it says it Psalms 118: 24 to rejoice, "This is the day which the Lord hath made; I (we) will rejoice and be glad in it." And I think that was the point for me, first the Lord knew that I needed a day of rest (well actually two as today I have been recovering from yesterday and slowly eating again!) A day where I was not consumed with the business of life, a day to just look to him. Secondly he showed me how in all things I can praise him, at one point I even found myself praising the fact that God equipped our bodies to give us a bit of warning before we get sick otherwise there would be many messes to clean up. It doesn't matter the circumstance certainly not all are pleasant, but God who is a good father to us is always worthy of praise.  And thirdly he reminded me of how he is always with me, always taking care of me. I am so grateful to be a child of the King of Kings, not only does he love me, he takes care to teach me and instruct me which always draws me closer to his side.

On a thankful note the Lord did bring my name to the mind of a far away friend who was able to pray for me which was a blessing. And my wonderful stepmom brought me ginger ale, crackers and soup also a very big blessing.

On a funny note: my husband thinks its funny that when I am sick I would rather sleep on towels than sheets.

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