In Utero Acrobatics

This morning the little one was doing what I can only imagine to be summersaults all over my womb. Pure joy that is the feeling whenever he starts to move around, the little pokes, the drops that make me think he's using my insides for a trampoline, the rolls... so many distinct movements I cherish them all. When I first began to feel him I was convinced he was pushing off from one side of me and soaring over to the other kind of like superman, now he pokes a lot and turns all around to let me know he's there. (I wish I could have some sort of monitor on him so I could see what he's up too.)

Being pregnant is something I had always wondered about, if the Lord blessed me with children what would it feel like to carry them? I know that pregnancy can be difficult for some and that the experience is so different for each woman and each pregnancy, but overall the fact that God chose the woman to be the bearer of the seed, the carrier of life is an amazing gift. My husband is amazed by the this little guy's movements and yet he only knows in part by feeling my belly, I get to feel it all. God is so good in his blessings towards his children and in his pattern of creation. It is the woman who is called to be the keeper of the home, the woman who is called to be the bearer of the children, the giver of life through birth. After all Adam called his wife's name Eve for she was the mother of all living ~ Genesis 3:20. I am so thankful that the Lord chose me to be the mother of one that is made in his very image, fashioned in his likeness, and at this very moment being watched by his creator~ Psalm 139: 13-16. He is our Father who knows how to give good gifts~ James 1:17.

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