One Year Later!

My little one is not so little any more, he's quickly approaching the toddling years. This month he turned ONE! I cannot believe it. Time has gone by so fast. I have to remind myself when life seems so busy as it often can to slow down and just cherish today, cherish the stage we are at right now because before you know it my little one will be all grown up having little ones of his own (or whatever the Lord has in store for his life).

I am so thankful  that God has blessed me with my son. He has brought such joy to my life. In Psalms it says that children are a reward, a gift from God (Psalm 127:3) and I know that every good and perfect give comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17)

Not even a day old, so dependent on me for all of his needs.

One year old, still pretty dependent, but taking steps
and learning new things daily! Did I mention he's quite
the conversationalist. 
Here are a few clips from an amazing year! 
First Time at the Beach

Camping for Cool Pop's Birthday

Playing with Uncle Walker
Gone Fishin'

Trying limes 

Mommy knew it was time to lower the crib 
Crawling at 6 Months
A Favorite Past Time checking out the fridge

Drumming like daddy

First taste of Birthday Cupcakes! 

Lovin' the scooter life 

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