A Purposeful New Year

I love new years. They bring about fresh starts and new adventures. They are like fresh pages in a journal, like new snow crisp and clean. I intend for 2015 to be a year of purpose!

I was reminded afresh of how precious the gift of time is, seconds that turn to minutes that make up hours that go into days that become weeks, months years....  My husband's grandfather recently passed away he was 90 years old. He lived a full life. He had 6 children, 12 grand children, 12 great grandchildren with more on the way. Psalm 90:10 says  "The days of our years are threescore years and ten and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." To me 90 seems so far off, but to grand pop his 20's were like yesterday. The memories and stories he had may as well have happened yesterday instead of decades ago. The saying is true you blink and time ticks by. We often wish to turn the hands of time back so that we can cherish the memories, relive the 'good' times or change and do things differently; but we can't. So instead we can start today and live purposefully, do things 100% correct from this point on.

What a wonderful thing a new year is, a new day even each new minute is an opportunity to from that point on live purposefully. I love it!

Isaac meeting grand pop for the first time.

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